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Play with Pride

It is our mission to bring pride and excitement to every golfer.

Taking the stress away from finding golf clothing and equipment

Our team use your preferences to search high and low for the best goods on the market at the best price so you don’t have to. All our clothing and equipment will leave you looking trendy and relaxed when you next play golf. So, all you need to do is turn up, easy!

Encouraging participation

Golf is one of the best social sports out there. People of all levels and ages can compete with one another fairly making this game unique. However, it is stuck in the past. With you, we want to help bring it into the future. Starting with your clothing and equipment we will make golf look trendy and fashionable. Gone are the days of checkered jumpers and silly shoes, and in come trainers, sharp polos and orange golf balls!

Bringing excitement to your day

You know the feeling; you have just brought a new golf top and can’t wait to wear it out on the course. Imagine that but 10 times more. Each month you will receive a box of goods tailored to your style, but you have no idea what’s included. Your Airdrop day is going to be an exciting one! Remember to share it with us on Instagram and Facebook by tagging us in your pictures. We will be reposting them.

Working with charity

Since the inception of Airdropgolf we have always aspired to make a positive difference on the world. Business should be much more about giving back than it is a chance to make profits. Therefore, we have teamed up with B1G1 to support their goal of creating a world of giving. For every box you buy (existing or new subscribers) we donate 7 days of water to a family in Kenya.